
Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Most of you have probably seen or heard this prayer at some point in your life. For me, I didn't know the second half existed until about a year ago when I learned it during Celebrate Recovery. And wow, how much of an eye opener the entire thing is.

First off, what exactly is serenity? Serenity is the state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled.Let me tell you, I have a lot of un-serene problems over here in my life. And guess what I find myself doing about them? TALKING ABOUT THEM! Not praying (or not as much as I should), and definitely not doing something to CHANGE them!

I definitely haven't had the COURAGE to change the things I can. Why? Because I constantly allow satan to fill me with guilt. Whether it be fear of "stepping on someone's toes" or feeling like I'm partially to blame for situations. I haven't stopped and asked God for that courage. He is waiting on me to ask, when I should be the one waiting to receive the courage.

Not to mention, have I even tried to receive the WISDOM it takes to know the difference between what I have the ability to change and what I don't. Definitely not! Even though this prayer begins with the granting of serenity and courage I think what I need first is the WISDOM! And wisdom isn't found by constantly talking about my problems, the same problems most of the time, over and over and get the picture. 

So, how do we gain wisdom? The Bible tells us in James 1:5-6 "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind." That's it, it's that simple. We just have to ASK God. Which means, stop complaining, stop "venting", stop WORRYING and simply ask God and have FAITH that He will answer. Because the Bible also reminds us in the same chapter of James that those remain steadfast in a trial will be blessed and given the crown of life, promised by God, to those who love him.

I won't go into the depths of the rest of the prayer, today, but it has a simple message that most of us have missed out on! We can only live one day at a time, one moment at time. If we try to live in another moment in time by worrying about something we will find we missed out on so many moments as they were happening right in front of us. We are also reminded that there WILL be hardships but they are a pathway to a peace. A peace that God grants us that, according to God's word, will surpass all understanding. Recognizing that this world will never, ever be like the one we want it to be but with God, we can live REASONABLY happy in this life, and SUPREMELY happy in the next with God, FOREVER.

 I don't know about y'all but SUPREMELY happy with GOD, FOREVER is the high I want to be on! Until next time y'all...


Sunday, April 19, 2015

Erin Elisabeth... In Between.

Feeling the desire to blog again. I have so much that lays on my heart and mind and I need somewhere to share it rather than writing a Facebook post that's ten miles long.

What's been laying on my heart heaviest lately? Feeling like I'm in an "in between" stage in my life. That may not make sense to some of you, but to those who understand, you probably know exactly how I'm feeling.

I'm on the verge of 26. I have an awesome job. An awesome family. A church home that I will be forever grateful for. And so many other awesome blessings in my life. But honestly, at times, I feel like I'm stuck in between. In between the stage of being graduated from college and settling down with a spouse. Lots of friends my age have reached that stage of being married and even starting families. Then I have to remind myself that I'm not the ONLY one who is "in between". Honestly, I know there are so many others who are in the same stage of life as me.

I am also "in between" where I want and need to be health wise, physically. I'm not at my goal weight, I still struggle with making the best decisions that affect my health but, each day is a new opportunity to make the right decision and having the right tools and support make that much more attainable.

Spiritually I'm not where I once was, but, I'm also not where I want or need to be in my walk with the Lord.

Here's the thing, I can sit here and list all the things that make me feel like I'm in an "in between" phase in my life and I can dwell on the fact that I'm not where I want to be in my life or that I'm not where society says I should be. But, instead, I can focus on the fact that "in between" is right where God wants me to be during this time. I can focus on the fact that I recognize I'm not where I want or need to be in several areas of my life and with recognizing that I can do something to change my circumstances (for the most part).

It's OKAY to be "in between" because it means I haven't made a decision to settle with the mediocrity life throws at us sometimes. Instead, I've made a decision that where I'm at right now isn't a permanent situation. I have the ability to take control of this "in between" and do something to create a change where it's due because I know that my Heavenly Father created me for something far greater than to be stuck in idle in the "in between" phase of life.

"through every circumstance, every season of life, there's not a single situation that's too far from the reach and the touch of God and His goodness" Housefires Never Run Dry

Until next time, y'all!
